Q: "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
A: "Well you better let him out!"Remember the good ol’ days phone pranks were so easy? Today, you can hardly do a fine prank anymore thanks to caller ID. But if it was modern technology that ended Prank calls – it is modern technology that can also make prank calls better than ever.
It’s not about blocking your caller ID – it’s about getting a new one. Yes! Using Caller ID Faker you can choose any number you’d like to appear on the other side – it could be just a random 123-456-7890 or you can even go ahead and use your ex-girlfriend’s number (and ask her best friend out on date!)
But it doesn’t’ end here guys. With Caller ID Faker you can also change your voice from male to female and vice versa, and even record the prank or conversation and put it on friggin youtube!
Q: Hey! Is your refrigerator running?
A: Yes...
So you better Catch it!!!!
So, are you ready to make every day April Fools day? Then log on to Caller ID Faker, put in your number, your fake number and the number you'd wish to prank and hit the button! Just visit http://calleridfaker.com and with some inspiration - you get can the phone pranking business to new heights:
Christmas 2011 Gift Ideas, Part III
13 years ago
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